Module routines like mod_wsgi.process_metrics aren't documented in the main 
docs, right?  Just in code snippets or looking through the Python-C source?

Also, there's nothing that gets metrics from multiple processes?  Sort of 
like a mod_wsgi.metrics_from_all_processes() that would return a collection 
of the metrics structures that process_metrics() does, one for each process 
that has been specified in WSGIDaemonProcess?  I'd have to have each 
process save them to some sort of shared cache of my own?

I did find the mod_wsgi.server_metrics() routine, but this seems to be 
returning None.  I do have the Apache status module loaded (apachectl shows 
"status_module (shared)" in the module list) and I can see the Apache 
scoreboard at the /server-status URL.  According to the mention of 
server_status() in the 4.2.0 Readme 
I should get a non-None return of at least some info in this case?

On Friday, September 1, 2017 at 3:38:06 PM UTC-3, YKdvd wrote:
> I may have missed it, but is there any documentation as to how incoming 
> requests are distributed to wsgi handler threads?  So if you have something 
> like "WSGIDaemonProcess myApp processes=3 threads=10", do incoming hits 
> tend to get assigned to the 10 threads in Process1 first, then spill into 
> Process2 threads, or is there some sort of balancing attempted among the 
> threads of the 3 processes?  I think I saw somewhere that recently 
> completed threads were preferentially reused where possible, but I can't 
> find anything like that now.

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