Thanks for the feedback Graham.
Confused as to why the 'USER_SITE' attribute is present if I do not try to 
set python-path. If I just remove the python-path setting from the config 
file, this is what site.USER_SITE is set to:
site.USER_SITE = /var/www/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages

Tensorflow is checking the site directories in the file, and 
the error occurs as soon as I import Tensorflow.
>From the code shown below it seems that tensorflow is inspecting 
site.USER_SITE, and other site paths to determine if their locations are a 
prefix for the location of the file. If any prefix matches, 
then this is used as an idication that tensorflow is running from a pip 
package, and then the appropriate modules are loaded.

# Get sitepackages directories for the python installation.
_site_packages_dirs = []
_site_packages_dirs += [_site.USER_SITE]
_site_packages_dirs += [_p for _p in _sys.path if 'site-packages' in _p]
if 'getsitepackages' in dir(_site):
  _site_packages_dirs += _site.getsitepackages()

if 'sysconfig' in dir(_distutils):
  _site_packages_dirs += [_distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib()]

_site_packages_dirs = list(set(_site_packages_dirs))

# Find the location of this exact file.
_current_file_location = _inspect.getfile(_inspect.currentframe())

def _running_from_pip_package():
  return any(
      _current_file_location.startswith(dir_) for dir_ in 

if _running_from_pip_package():
  for s in _site_packages_dirs:
    # TODO(gunan): Add sanity checks to loaded modules here.
    plugin_dir = _os.path.join(s, 'tensorflow-plugins')
    if _fi.file_exists(plugin_dir):

On Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 2:50:19 PM UTC-7, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> The per user site-packages directory under $HOME is not used if you are 
> using a Python virtual environment. You should not be installing packages 
> using 'pip install --user' if using a virtual environment, they should be 
> installed into the virtual environment.
> Further, under Apache the code doesn't even run as your user, but the 
> Apache user, and wouldn't even be the same $HOME directory anyway.
> If the tensorflow package is relying on the per user site packages 
> directory always being used and the site.USER_SITE variable being present, 
> it is arguably broken.
> Why is tensorflow expecting site.USER_SITE to exist and what is it using 
> the directory for?
> On 29 Aug 2019, at 7:26 am, Steve Fielding < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> The actual value of python-path does not seem to matter. I show it set to 
> the tensorflow research directory because, it is my ultimate target, and 
> that code base needs to access site.USER_SITE
> config file:
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>         ServerName
>         WSGIDaemonProcess 
> home=/home/stevefielding_ca/github/REST-tutorial 
> python-home=/home/stevefielding_ca/.virtualenvs/cv/bin/python 
> python-path=/home/stevefielding_c
> a/github/models/research:/home/stevefielding_ca/github/models/research/slim
>         WSGIProcessGroup
>         WSGIScriptAlias / 
> /home/stevefielding_ca/github/REST-tutorial/
>         <Directory /home/stevefielding_ca/github/REST-tutorial/>
>                 Require all granted
>         </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
> This is my script:
> import sys
> import site
> def application(environ, start_response):
>   status = '200 OK'  
>   output = ''
>   output += 'sys.version = {}\n'.format( repr(sys.version))
>    output += 'sys.prefix = {}\n'.format(repr(sys.prefix))
>    output += 'sys.path = {}\n'.format(repr(sys.path))
>    output += 'site.USER_SITE = {}\n'.format(site.USER_SITE)
>    response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain'),                    
> ('Content-Length', str(len(output)))]  start_response(status, 
> response_headers)
>   print(output)
>   output = bytes(output,'utf-8')
>    return output
> I get the following error when I try to access my script:
> [Wed Aug 28 20:53:06.010105 2019] [wsgi:error] [pid 9148:tid 
> 139859258083072] [remote]     output += 'site.USER_SITE = 
> {}\\n'.format(site.USER_SITE)
> [Wed Aug 28 20:53:06.010121 2019] [wsgi:error] [pid 9148:tid 
> 139859258083072] [remote] AttributeError: module 'apache' 
> has no attribute 'USER_SITE'
> If I remove the python-path from my wsgi conf file, then everything works 
> fine.
> -- 
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