
We use mod_wsgi to serve multiple apps in virtual hosts with separate 
daemon processes. All is working very well and very stable.
I notice however that the daemon process are not shut down after the 
inactivity-timeout. They simply run forever, which wastes resources on the 
machine as many of these apps are used only very infrequently.

Anything I misconfigured or misunderstood on the behavior of the inactivity 

This is on ubuntu 18 with mod_wsgi 4.5.
My apache configuration file looks roughly like this:
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName ENV1.frepple.com
WSGIDaemonProcess ENV1 user=www-data processes=4 threads=4 
inactivity-timeout=7200 request-timeout=3600 display-name=apache-env1
WSGIProcessGroup ENV1 
WSGIScriptAlias / "/home/ubuntu/config/env1/wsgi.py"
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName ENV2.frepple.com
WSGIDaemonProcess ENV2 user=www-data processes=4 threads=4 
inactivity-timeout=7200 request-timeout=3600 display-name=apache-env2
WSGIProcessGroup ENV2 
WSGIScriptAlias / "/home/ubuntu/config/env2/wsgi.py"

Stay safe, 


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