I am trying to host my Flask app on a Linux server. My app connects to an 
API and waits for a response. It is giving me this error.

[Sun Apr 30 05:57:30.091150 2023] [wsgi:error] [pid 524703:tid 
140623501117184] [client *someIp*:62319] Timeout when reading response 
headers from daemon process 'webApp': /var/www/webApp/webapp.wsgi, referer: 

My conf file looks like this:

   1. <VirtualHost *:80>
   2.     ServerName *serverIp*
   3.     ServerAdmin em...@mywebsite.com
   5.     WSGIDaemonProcess webApp processes=4 threads=5 
   maximum-requests=1000 request-timeout=600
   6.     WSGIProcessGroup webApp
   8.     WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/webApp/webapp.wsgi 
   process-group=webApp application-group=%{GLOBAL}
   10.     <Directory /var/www/webApp/webApp/>
   11.         Order allow,deny
   12.         Allow from all
   13.     </Directory>
   15.     Alias /static /var/www/webApp/webApp/static
   16.     <Directory /var/www/webApp/webApp/static/>
   17.         Order allow,deny
   18.         Allow from all
   19.     </Directory>
   21.     ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
   22.     LogLevel warn
   23.     CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
   24. </VirtualHost>

The error on user-side is 
*Gateway Timeout*

*The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or 

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