I'm finally getting around to upgrading from 1.5.6, and I've run into a 
snag.  On several wikis in my farm, the URL is of the form 
http://server/moin using mod-rewrite on a multiuser ISP machine:

ReWriteRule ^moin(/.*)? moin.cgi$1

With 1.8.4 this gives me the FrontPage all the time (and an error in the 
log).  Using

ReWriteRule ^moinx(/.*)? moin.cgi$1

works, but this means that URLs that have been publicized for many years 
will be wrong.  Any suggestions for how to workaround this?

  - George

   * George Dinwiddie *                      http://blog.gdinwiddie.com
   Software Development                    http://www.idiacomputing.com
   Consultant and Coach                    http://www.agilemaryland.org

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