Thomas Waldmann wrote:
>> Is there a way (without hacking) that I can get a forking
>> (instead of a threaded) server under moin 1.9?
> Well, the usual way would be to use apache2 and mod_wsgi in daemon mode.
> Werkzeug (we use that for moin's "standalone" server:
> also seems to support forking, see:
> But we don't feed the processes= argument to it, so if you like to test
> that, you'ld have to modify MoinMoin/web/ and maybe also its
> callers.
> Why do you need that / why doesn't threading work for you?

I need to be able to limit resource usage during the serving
of a page and
1) threads cannot be killed/terminated by parent
2) one cannot apply limits (e.g., memory, cpu) to individual threads
3) a signal cannot be set for an individual thread

Specifically, the resources used during a call out to some macros
a d parsers that I am using may not be predictable (e.g., a long
db query operation) or bounded (e.g., an infinite loop). There
may be some coding alternatives for some cases, but my need is
simply to be able to abort these call outs.

Do you see any solution to this problem other than forking?


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