Hello Thomas,

many thanks for the reply.

On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 08:53:27 +0200
Thomas Waldmann <tw-pub...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Also, it splits the words and puts Moin and Tips and Tricks into the
> index. It does not put MoinT into the index.

So, an uppercase letter is an indicator that the indexer should treat
this as a word (until the next uppercase letter) as if there was white
space. It would seem that hyphens and underscores have a similar
effect. The implications of this would need to be considered when
naming pages. Pages named with acronyms, e.g. IBM*, are a particular

> Well, better get used to that (or refine your search with mime:wiki to
> only find wiki pages). The different handling of pages and attachments
> is going away in future anyway.

Is it possible to have mime:wiki used as the default for title searches?


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