> I tried posting following message on Google Groups (
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/moin-user/rtU-zD1U7Hw ), which I
> think is not the official mailing list.

No, it isn't. But it seems to contain same messages as the mailing list.

But I didn't see your message before, so it doesn't seem to work

> We have been using MoinMoin for more than 3 years for our website and it
> has been working nicely. However, in since couple of weeks we have
> started to get "Unhandled exception" while editing some pages of the
> website using GUI mode of the editor. Few other things have also stopped
> working, for instance copy-paste also seems to give "Unhandled
> exception" and "insert image" button is not available anymore.
> Temporarily, we have been editing the website using text-mode of the
> editor but we would like to get back GUI mode functionality. 
> Is there any way to find the source of the issue and fix it?

Look into the web server logs (e.g. apache's error log) if you find some
Traceback from moin there. Or, if you don't, configure moin's logging to
log to a separate file (see moin.wsgi or whatever adaptor script you
used. there are sample logging configs in wiki/config/... in the
download archive).

> We are
> running MoinMoin 1.9.3 and Python 2.4.3. As far as we know, not much has
> changed in the configuration files. 

That sounds a bit like your system is rather outdated and needs a bigger
upgrade. Maybe check whether your base system still gets security
updates at least and whether you could upgrade to a newer release.

> Also, is it possible that updating to a newer version of MoinMoin (and
> Python) can fix the issues?

Well, maybe. It depends on what causes these issues.

But be warned: for recent moins you'll need a more recent python also.
And nowadays, you should be running python 2.7 (or 2.6) anyway.

> If so, then we would first like to test the
> installation/working of new version(s). Is it possible to install two
> versions of MoinMoin (and corresponding python) side-by-side on the same
> machine while not affecting the previous installation (and working) of
> the software(s).

You can install a new python as well as a new moin without causing any
interferences if you do it right:

you didn't say what your operating system is, so I am assuming you run
some linux:

python: look for new packages for your distribution. if there aren't
any, you could compile e.g. python 2.7 on your own and do "make
altinstall" (that doesn't overwrite the "python" binary, so your other
stuff will continue to work). if you call "python" afterwards, you will
still get the old one, if you call python2.7, you'll get the new one.

moin: you can run moin "in place" without "installing" it (without using
setup.py). just download, unpack and modify sys.path in the moin.wsgi

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