If I want to create a dynamic page in the wiki, I just use a macro which 
links the page to externally generated data.

e.g.  We have a dynamic list of machines, updated each time DHCP runs. The 
DHCP server updates a database, the macro queries that database.

You could do the same with your pictures, just store then in a database as 

The wiki page says just (as wiki text)

{{{#!wiki comment/dashed
Latest Data from DHCP  /usr/local/share/moin/data/plugin/macro/QueryDB.py
Data is collected by avldns0 and put into a MySQL Database, MACLookup

'''Last Query  :  <<Now()>>'''
<<QueryDB(SELECT * from mac order by hostname asc)>>

The QueryDB and Now functions generate HTML

From:   Thomas Waldmann <t...@waldmann-edv.de>
To:     moin-user@lists.sourceforge.net, 
Date:   12/01/2015 15:05
Subject:        Re: [Moin-user] Programmatic creating/editing of pages

> 1. I'd prefer NOT to have page history for these pages. It takes up disc
> space and isn't really necessary.

IIRC there is a parameter of PageEditor (or the save call) where you can
switch off revisioning.

> 2. I'd prefer NOT to have changes to these pages show up in the
> RecentChanges list. The reason for this request is because part of the
> update process requires me to update the photos for each person. Since I
> can't (easily) do a file comparison to see if the photo has changed, I
> replace all of the photos anyway just to be on the safe side.

I don't think you can do this easily using the existing API.

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