On Thursday 26. May 2016 18.43.22 Renato Pontefice wrote:
> Hi,
> I've finaly installed moin2, everything seem to go well, but when I try to
> access it it doesn't answer. This is a log when I run it:


> 2016-05-26 16:39:40,272 INFO werkzeug:87 * Running on
> (Press CTRL+C to quit)


> it seem to work on port 8080 at the addr of the virtual machine
> but if I try to acces fro a browser:
> I do not receive any answer
> the traffic for http and https are allowed, why I do not receive any
> answer?

Because the server is listening on in the virtual machine, but you 
are trying to access the server via another address? Maybe you need to tell 
the server to listen on that address as well as on localhost.


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