Hello there,

I have a question regarding how to pass extra arguments(such as cflags) 
from maven release plugin to native-maven-plugin. We use codehaus 
native-plugin to build jni, I want to pass the cflags during release phase. 
However I see that I am unable to pass any of the arguments through release 
plugin. Any experience or pointers would help
this is mvn command which we call through a makefile similar to 
(cd $(ROOTDIR)/scala-package; \
mvn -X release:prepare -DdryRun=true -DautoVersionSubmodules=true \
-Darguments=-DskipTests -Dcxx="$(CXX)" \
-Dcflags="$(CFLAGS)" -Dldflags="$(LDFLAGS)" \
-Dlddeps="$(LIB_DEP) $(ROOTDIR)/lib/libmxnet.a")
The parent pom file is here
and the pom file to compile native code is here 

I see that cflags variable used in the native pom.xml is coming as null
[INFO] [INFO] --- native-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-9:compile (default-compile) 
@ libmxnet-init-scala-osx-x86_64 ---
[INFO] [DEBUG] Configuring mojo 
org.codehaus.mojo:native-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-9:compile from plugin realm 
parent: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@42a57993]
[INFO] [DEBUG] Configuring mojo 
'org.codehaus.mojo:native-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-9:compile' with basic 
configurator -->
[INFO] [DEBUG]   (f) compilerEndOptions = [-I../../../include, null]
[INFO] [DEBUG]   (f) compilerOutputDirectory = 
[INFO] [DEBUG]   (f) compilerProvider = generic-classic
[INFO] [DEBUG]   (f) compilerStartOptions = [-std=c++0x]
[INFO] [DEBUG]   (f) dependencyIncludeDirectory = 
[INFO] [DEBUG]   (f) javahOS = darwin
[INFO] [DEBUG]   (f) jdkIncludePath = 
[INFO] [DEBUG]   (f) numberOfConcurrentCompilation = 1
[INFO] [DEBUG]   (f) project = MavenProject: 
org.apache.mxnet:libmxnet-init-scala-osx-x86_64:1.2.0-SNAPSHOT @ 
[INFO] [DEBUG]   (s) directory = 
[INFO] [DEBUG]   (s) fileNames = [org_apache_mxnet_init_native_c_api.cc]
[INFO] [DEBUG]   (f) sources = 
[INFO] [DEBUG]   (f) workingDirectory = 


I have already tried pass with -Darguments, create properties corresponding 
to the flags, etc., 

Appreciate pointers and advise?

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