I have made the following change to the msql-mysql.monitor, maybe it
will be helpful to others:

        Ability to check more that one db on the db server.

        Same as always except --database=database can also be
        database can now contain multiple db names seperated by a : character.

The main for loop now looks like this (I'm not familiard with Perl DBI
so this may be inefficient?):

@db_list = split /:/, $options{database};

for $host( @ARGV ) {
        for $a_db( @db_list) {
                my( $dbh ) = DBI->connect(
"DBI:$mode:$a_db:$host:$options{port}", $options{username},
$options{password} );
                if( ! $dbh ) {
                        push( @failures, "Could not connect to $mode
server $host:$a_db: " . $DBI::errstr );
                #@tables = $dbh->func( '_ListTables' );
                @tables = $dbh->tables();
                if( $#tables < 0 ) {
                        push( @failures, "No tables found for database
$a_db on server $host" );


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