
I'm upgrading mon from an old version of mon to .99.2 on tru64. We are 
using perl 5.6.0.

Everything is fine, except that for some reason I _cannot_ get mon to read 
alerts in alert.d directory. Then it begins to even refuse to see the 
mail.alerts which are untouched.

Did something in the mon.cf file format change?

I use two alerts-- the mail.alert for problems and a custom 'service 
availability' alert (nesavail.alert) that is called every 10min, plus an 
upalert which also calls the nesavail.alert.

I've gone thru a complete fresh install of mon twice, and torn apart the 
main mon script (playing with paths) to try and get mon to read the alerts 
which are plainly there.

Here is the syslog output of mon starting:
Sep 24 08:34:17 koi mon[252109]: mail.alert not found in one of 
Sep 24 08:34:17 koi mon[252109]: nesavail.alert not found in one of 
Sep 24 08:34:17 koi mon[252109]: nesavail.alert not found in one of 
Sep 24 08:34:17 koi mon[252109]: mail.alert not found in one of 
Sep 24 08:34:17 koi mon[252109]: mon server started

here is how I'm starting mon to test:

mon@koi:~>$ MONHOME=/usr/local/lib/mon
mon@koi:~>$ export MONHOME
mon@koi:~>$ ./mon -c etc/mon.cf -A $MONHOME/etc/auth.cf -b `pwd`

and finally, here is a sample of a watch in my mon.cf:

watch listserv
   service smtp
     interval 10m
     monitor smtp3.monitor -t 30
     period wd {Mon-Sun}
        alertevery 4h
        alertafter 2 30m
        alert mail.alert mon-listserv@isc
     period wd {Mon-Sun}
        alertevery 10m
        alert nesavail.alert
        upalert nesavail.alert

Why is mon refusing to acknowledge these alerts which is plainly there in 
the alert.d directory?

_Andy Diller_
Sudan &  Acid
mon mailing list

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