Thanks for the reply David...

Our doesn't include any hostgroup definitions, but instead includes
549 "watch" keywords for unique IP's which I take from the manual creates
individual hostgroups with the name of each IP. Each watch/hostgroup or
whatever you want to call it has only one service defined -- ping, although
it is not the default ping service but a modified one that writes some
rrd information on each host for us.

Perhaps this is a poor way to configure things... I'm inheriting this mon
setup so to speak and really want to get it working more reliably for
everyone in our company.

This doesn't exactly match your description, but I'm curious if the Text::
Parsewords thing could still be at fault ... I'd love to try out the patches
if you think they might be helpful for us.

Thanks again!

On Tue, Jun 01, 2004 at 10:26:56PM -0400, David Nolan wrote:

> --On Tuesday, June 01, 2004 6:24 PM -0700 Ray Van Dolson
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >We're using WebMonkey as a front-end to mon (latest development version)
> >and we're getting extremely slow performance as it queries the mon server.
> Are any of your service tests outputting large amounts of text? i.e. a
> hundred lines or so? One of the modules that Mon uses (Text::Parsewords)
> is horribly inefficent, and basically becomes unusable with that much
> output. (Large numbers of hosts in one hostgroup might exhibit the same
> behavior, if I remember right.)
> Unfortunately, the only solution is to eliminate the usage of that perl
> module. I've done that in my local version of Mon and the performance
> improvement was incredible. There are other reasons to eliminate that
> module anyway (it can cause perl to segfault). If you're interested in
> those patches, let me know.
> -David
> David Nolan <*> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> curses: May you be forced to grep the termcap of an unclean yacc while a herd
> of rogue emacs fsck your troff and vgrind your pathalias!

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