On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 10:30:06AM -0700, Jim Trocki wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, Ed Ravin wrote:
> > to other developers.  I know I've submitted several improvements
> > to the monitor scripts in recent months and haven't gotten any feedback.
> netapfree.monitor?
> (0) uplift /home/trockij/mon/patches $ perl -c netappfree.monitor
> Format not terminated at netappfree.monitor line 307, at end of line
> netappfree.monitor had compilation errors.

That's odd, line 307 is a single period to end the format definition,
Jim, perhaps the SMTP daemon decided to eat that period?  Please
try again with the attached, if you're still having trouble, let me know.

        -- Ed
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Use SNMP to get free disk space or inode status from a Network Appliance
# exit values:
#  1 - free space or inodes on any host dropped below the supplied parameter
#  2 - network or SNMP error (SNMP library error, no response from server)
#  3 - config error - (filesystem in config file does not exist on filer)

#  [--community=<SNMP COMMUNITY>] [--timeout=<seconds>]
#  [--config=/path/to/configfile] [--list]  host1 host2 ...

# --list option will dump current status from requested hosts:
#  netappfree.monitor --list filer1 filer2 filer3
# sample output:
# filer          ONTAP       filesystem         KB total     KB avail   Inode%
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# filer1         6.1.2R3     /vol/vol0/           61092616      6773416    86
# filer1         6.1.2R3     /vol/vol0/.snaps      2545524      1260240     0

# sample invocation in mon.cf, with local MIB directory for the Netapp MIB
# NETWORK-APPLIANCE-MIB.txt (copy from /etc/mib/netapp.mib on filer):
#    service freespace
#    description test freespace and inodes on Netapp filers
#    depend SELF:ping
#    MIBDIRS=/usr/local/share/snmp/mibs
#    interval 7m
#    monitor netappfree.monitor

#  Run "netappfree --list host1 host2 ..." first to get list of filesystems
# and whether inodes are properly reported.  If you don't want to monitor
# inodes for a particular FS, leave tha column blank.
# host          filesystem     freespace      [InodeThreshold]
#                           (in kb, gb, or mb)  (in % or k)
# filer1        /vol/main/       5gb              90%
# filer2        /vol/vol0/       5gb              500k

# This requires the UCD SNMP library and G.S. Marzot's Perl SNMP
# module.
# Originally by Jim Trocki.  Modified by Theo Van Dinter
# ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]) to add verbose error output,
# more error checking, etc.  Can be used in conjunction with
# snapdelete.alert to auto-remove snapshots if needed.
# Modified December 2003 by Ed Ravin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to add inode
# checking, detect nonexistent filesystem in config file, pass perl -w
# checks, added more info to error messages for clarity, updated doc comments
# above.

# $Id: netappfree.monitor,v 1.2 2003/12/20 20:31:05 root Exp root $
#    Copyright (C) 1998, Jim Trocki
#    Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Theo Van Dinter
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
use SNMP;
use Getopt::Long;

sub list;
sub readcf;
sub toKB;


GetOptions (\%opt, "community=s", "timeout=i", "retries=i", "config=s", "list");

die "no host arguments\n" if (@ARGV == 0);

$RET = 0;
@ERRS = ();
%HOSTS = ();

$COMM = $opt{"community"} || "public";
$TIMEOUT = $opt{"timeout"} || 2; $TIMEOUT *= 1000 * 1000;
$RETRIES = $opt{"retries"} || 5;
$CONFIG = $opt{"config"} || (-d "/etc/mon" ? "/etc/mon" : "/usr/lib/mon/etc")
        . "/netappfree.cf";

($dfIndex, $dfFileSys, $dfKBytesTotal, $dfKBytesAvail,
        $dfInodesFree, $dfPerCentInodeCapacity) = (0..5);

list (@ARGV) if ($opt{"list"});

readcf ($CONFIG) || die "could not read config: $!\n";

foreach $host (@ARGV) {
    next if (!defined $FREE{$host});

    if (!defined($s = new SNMP::Session (DestHost => $host,
                Timeout => $TIMEOUT, Community => $COMM,
                Retries => $RETRIES))) {
        $RET = ($RET == 1) ? 1 : 2;
        $HOSTS{$host} ++;
        push (@ERRS, "could not create session to $host: " . $SNMP::Session::ErrorStr);

    $v = new SNMP::VarList (

    if ( $v->[$dfIndex]->tag !~ /^df/ ) {
        push(@ERRS,"OIDs not mapping correctly!  Check that NetApp MIB is available!");
        $RET = 1;

    while (defined $s->getnext($v)) {

        last if ($v->[$dfIndex]->tag !~ /dfIndex/);

        my $filesys= $v->[$dfFileSys]->val;
        next unless exists($FREE{$host}{$filesys});

        if ($v->[$dfKBytesAvail]->val < $FREE{$host}{$filesys}{'bytes'}) {
            $HOSTS{$host} ++;
            push (@ERRS, sprintf ("%1.1fGB free on %s:%s (threshold %1.1fGB, fs size 
                $v->[$dfKBytesAvail]->val / 1024 / 1024,
                $host, $filesys,
                $FREE{$host}{$filesys}{'bytes'} / 1024 / 1024,
                $v->[$dfKBytesTotal]->val / 1024 / 1024)
            $RET = 1;

        # mark filesys entry as seen in filer's MIB
        $FREE{$host}{$v->[$dfFileSys]->val}{'existsOnFiler'}= 1;

        if (defined($FREE{$host}{$v->[$dfFileSys]->val}{'inode'})) {
                my $inodefreewanted= $FREE{$host}{$v->[$dfFileSys]->val}{'inode'}; 
                if (0 < $inodefreewanted and $inodefreewanted < 1) { # percentage?
                        if ($v->[$dfPerCentInodeCapacity]->val > $inodefreewanted * 
100) {  # percentage exceeded?
                                $HOSTS{$host} ++;
                                push (@ERRS, sprintf("%d%% inodes used on %s:%s, over 
threshold of %d%%",
                                        $host,  $v->[$dfFileSys]->val,
                                        $inodefreewanted * 100
                                $RET = 1;

                 elsif ($v->[$dfInodesFree]->val < $inodefreewanted) {
                                $HOSTS{$host} ++;
                                push (@ERRS, sprintf("%1.1f inodes free on %s:%s, 
below threshold of %1.1f",
                                        $host,  $v->[$dfFileSys]->val,
                                $RET = 1;

    if ($s->{ErrorNum}) {
        $HOSTS{$host} ++;
        push (@ERRS, "could not get dfIndex for $host: " . $s->{ErrorStr});
        $RET = ($RET == 1) ? 1 : 2;

foreach $host (@ARGV)
        foreach $filesys (keys %{$FREE{$host}})
                if (! $FREE{$host}{$filesys}{'existsOnFiler'} ) {
                        $HOSTS{$host} ++;
                        push (@ERRS, "filesystem $filesys does not exist on $host");
                        $RET = ($RET == 1) ? 1 : 3;

if ($RET) {
    print join(" ", sort keys %HOSTS), "\n\n", join("\n", @ERRS), "\n";

exit $RET;

# read configuration file
sub readcf {
    my ($f) = @_;
    my ($l, $host, $filesys, $free, $inodefree);

    open (CF, $f) || return undef;
    while (<CF>) {
        next if (/^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/);
        ($host, $filesys, $free, $inodefree) = split;
        if (!defined ($FREE{$host}{$filesys}{'bytes'} = toKB ($free))) {
            die "error free specification, config $f, line $.\n";
        if (!defined ($FREE{$host}{$filesys}{'inode'} = toIN ($inodefree))) {
            # allow this to be optional for compatibility
            # die "error inodefree specification, config $f, line $.\n";
        $FREE{$host}{$filesys}{'existsOnFiler'}= 0;
    close (CF);

sub toKB {
    my ($free) = @_;
    my ($n, $u);

    if ($free =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)(kb|mb|gb)$/i) {
        ($n, $u) = ($1, "\L$2");
    } elsif ($free =~ /^(\d+)(kb|mb|gb)$/i) {
        ($n, $u) = ($1, "\L$2");
    } else {
        return undef;

    return (int ($n * 1024)) if ($u eq "mb");
    return (int ($n * 1024 * 1024)) if ($u eq "gb");
    int ($n);

sub toIN {
        my ($infree) [EMAIL PROTECTED];

        return undef unless defined($infree);

        if ($infree =~ /^(\d+\.?\d+)%$/) {  # percentage
                return $1 / 100;

        if ($infree =~ /^(\d+\.?\d+)(k|kb)$/) {  # kilos?
                return $1 * 1024;
        if ($infree =~ /^(\d+\.?\d+)$/) {  # bare??
                return $1;
        return undef;

sub list {
    my (@hosts) = @_;

    foreach $host (@hosts) {
        if (!defined($s = new SNMP::Session (DestHost => $host,
                    Timeout => $TIMEOUT,
                    Community => $COMM,
                    Retries => $RETRIES))) {
            print STDERR "could not create session to $host: " . 
$SNMP::Session::ErrorStr, "\n";

        $ver = $s->get(['sysDescr', 0]);
        $ver =~ s/^netapp.*release\s*([^:]+):.*$/$1/i;

        $v = new SNMP::VarList (

        while (defined $s->getnext($v)) {
            last if ($v->[$dfIndex]->tag !~ /dfIndex/);
    exit 0;

format STDOUT_TOP =
filer            ONTAP       filesystem         KB total     KB avail   Inode%

format STDOUT =
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  @<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  @>>>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>>>>>>   @>>
$host, $ver, $v->[1]->[2], $v->[2]->[2], $v->[3]->[2], $v->[5]->[2]
mon mailing list

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