On 10/17/07, Jacques Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Each host runs a mon daemon with a mon.cf configured according to the
> services to watch;
> this depends of the kind of apps. installed on this host.
> An application may need access to (a service on) an other host, so there
> is a watch checking for this remote service.
> When such a "server host" goes down (or crashes, or ...) , than there
> can (will) be several alerts raised, one on each "client host".
> This will, for example, result in duplicated and redondant email messages.
> How can such a behavior avoided ?.

If I am reading you right, then you want the "depend" definition in
your watch group:


depend dependexpression
              The depend keyword is used to specify a  dependency  expression,
              which  evaluates  to either true of false, in the boolean sense.
              Dependencies are actual Perl expressions, and must obey all syn-
              tactical rules. The expressions are evaluated in their own pack-
              age space so as to not accidentally  have  some  unwanted  side-
              effect.   If a syntax error is found when evaluating the expres-
              sion, it is logged via syslog.

              Before evaluation, the following substitutions on the expression
              occur:  phrases  which look like "group:service" are substituted
              with the value of the current operational status of that  speci-
              fied  service.  These opstatus substitutions are computed recur-
              sively, so if service A depends upon service B,  and  service  B
              depends  upon  service C, then service A depends upon service C.
              Successful operational statuses  (which  evaluate  to  "1")  are
              "STAT_OK",      "STAT_COLDSTART",      "STAT_WARMSTART",     and
              "STAT_UNKNOWN".  The word "SELF" (in all caps) can be  used  for
              the  group (e.g. "SELF:service"), and is an abbreviation for the
              current watch group.

              This feature can be used to control alerts  for  services  which
              are  dependent  on  other  services,  e.g. an SMTP test which is
              dependent upon the machine being ping-reachable.

Augie Schwer    -    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    -    http://schwer.us
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