Hello all,

        I have recently installed mon via RPM out of the dag repository, and 
brought the checks down to a single test in order to make sure everything is 
setup correctly before I start digging to deeply into creating my own monitors 
and alerts. The only check that I am running right now is http.monitor out of 
the stable tar ball which alerts to mail.alert. If I run the monitor and alert 
scripts from the command line they work correctly, however if I start mon and 
shutdown apache on the monitored host I do not get alerted. Watching mon.cgi 
while the http service never leaves the unchecked state.  Is there something 
that I am missing in my configurations that gets mon to show  the information 
correctly with what I want (letting me know if apache is still alive)?


Michael Osburn

Misc. Info about my setup

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-8.1.15.el5xen #1 SMP Mon Oct 22 09:01:12 EDT 
2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# mon -v
$Id: mon,v 2007/06/06 11:46:19 trockij Exp $
$Name: mon-1-2-0-release $
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# cat /etc/mon/mon.cf
### Extremely basic mon.cf file

### global options
cfbasedir   = /etc/mon
pidfile     = /var/run/mon.pid
statedir    = /var/lib/mon/state.d
logdir      = /var/lib/mon/log.d
dtlogfile   = /var/lib/mon/log.d/downtime.log
alertdir    = /usr/lib64/mon/alert.d
mondir      = /usr/lib64/mon/mon.d
maxprocs    = 20
histlength  = 100
randstart   = 60s
authtype    = pam
userfile    = /etc/mon/userfile
monerrfile  = /var/lib/mon/log.d/error
dtlogging   = yes

### group definitions (hostnames or IP addresses)
hostgroup servers

watch servers
    service http
        interval 5m
        monitor http.monitor
        period wd {Mon-Fri} hr {7am-10pm}
            alert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            alertevery 1m
        period wd {Sat-Sun}
            alert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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