Sorry, I should have posted the clamd.monitor used at my shop.

The one from checks the TCP
banner, complains if the socket isn't answered or if you're running
an outdated clamd (the latter a nice feature which is not in the
one I've been using).

However, the clamd monitor attached to this message goes through
the steps to actually submit a piece of email for virus scanning,
and uses the EICAR "fake virus" to test whether clamd is actually
going through the message.  That goes a bit deeper into the internals
and might turn up problems that a simple socket open/close wouldn't.

We use a similar monitor for SpamAssassin that uses the corresponding
"fake spam signature" to test whether spamd is checking messages - if
anyone's interested, let me know.

        -- Ed

# clamd.monitor - make sure clamd recognizes the EICAR test virus

# Written by Jed Davis.  Released to public (license is GPL) courtesy of
# PANIX Public Access Networks,

require 5.006;
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use ClamAV::Client;
use IO::String;

my $usage = "clamd.monitor [-d] [-p port] [-t timeout] host [host...]\n";
our ($opt_t, $opt_p, $opt_d);
getopts("p:t:d") || die $usage;
my $tcpport = $opt_p || 9001;
my $timeout = $opt_t || 30;
my $debugp = $opt_d;

# Standard "test" virus - broken up into two lines to avoid triggering
# anti-virus systems (cough, cough)
my $virus = 'x5o...@ap[4\pzx54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-' .

my (@failures);
for my $host (@ARGV) {
        my $result = undef;
        eval {
                alarm $timeout;
                $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Timeout ($timeout seconds)\n" };
                my $scanner = ClamAV::Client->new(
                    socket_host => $host,
                    socket_port => $tcpport);
                $result = $scanner->scan_stream(IO::String->new($virus));
                print STDERR "DEBUG: $host: $result\n" if $debugp;
        if ($@) {
                chomp $@;
                $@ =~ s/^(Could not establish socket connection), tried UNIX 
domain and TCP sockets at .*/$1/;
                push @failures, [$host, "Exception: $@"];
        } elsif (!$result) {
                push @failures, [$host, "Responded, but failed to recognize 
test virus"];
        } elsif ($result ne "Eicar-Test-Signature") {
                push @failures, [$host, "Unexpected response: $result"];

print join(" ",map{$$_[...@failures)."\n";
print join("",map{"$$_[0]: $$_[1]\n"}...@failures);

exit ($#failures>=0);
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