I want to turn off my HTTP monitor for 10 minutes a day, between 00:10 and 00:20 (ok, really 00:19:59).

I think I should be doing this via exclude_period, but I am encountering syntax errors when trying to do this. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?

hostgroup local

watch local
 service http
   description Web Server
   interval 10s
   monitor http.monitor -u / -t 10
   exclude_period hr {12am} min {10-19}
     alert mail.alert a...@localhost
     upalert mail.alert a...@localhost
     alertafter 30s
     alertevery 2m

"Starting monitor daemon: cf error: unknown syntax [exclude_period hr {12am} min {10-20}], line 58"
Line 58 is the 'exclude_period' line in my config sample above.

This is using the mon package provided by Ubuntu Karmic (9.10).
# dpkg --list | grep mon
... skipping a bunch of mono stuff ...
ii mon 0.99.2-13ubuntu1 monitor hosts/services/ whatever and alert ab


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