Hi All,

Maybe this is not the proper way to get help, but i can't seem to find a
forum or a faq, so i can solve my problem.
So please forgive me!

I have mon installed and functioning properly, but i like mon to send an
sms through gammu.

The command i run in the terminal is : echo "servers down test" | gammu
--sendsms TEXT 0612345678

I changed the test.alert script so it reads this:


echo "servers down test" | gammu --sendsms TEXT 0653638072

But it doesn't work....

My mon.cf :

# /etc/mon/mon.cf, configuration file for mon
# Run `/etc/init.d/mon reload' after editing this file in order for your
# changes to take effect.

# There is no default configuration for mon.  The docs most useful for
# setting up your /etc/mon/mon.cf file are the mon(1) man page,
# /usr/share/doc/mon/README.hints*, /usr/share/doc/mon/README.monitors*
# and /usr/share/doc/mon/examples/mon.cf*.

# When you do configure your server, it's a good idea to include these
# settings (to restrict access to the server to the local machine):
#    serverbind = localhost
#    trapbind   = localhost
alertdir   = /usr/lib/mon/alert.d
mondir     = /usr/lib/mon/mon.d
logdir     = /var/log/mon
histlength = 100

dtlogging   = yes
dtlogfile   = dtlog

hostgroup pingableservers
watch pingableservers
        service tcp
                interval 1m
                monitor tcp.monitor -p 16001
                        numalerts 2
                        alert test.alert
                        upalert test.alert

All the alert scripts have the proper rights, and i can't find any info in
the logfile at /var/log/mon

any help is appreciated!


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