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Andrew Hobson <ahob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Eric Wong <normalper...@yhbt.net> writes:
> > Those clients should really be hitting nginx, first.
> I apologize for not being clear.  They are hitting apache first.

Heh, just as bad, since I'm not aware of any Apache config which will
protect unicorn from slow clients.

> > Fwiw, wrapping the app Unicorn::PrereadInput middleware may help in
> > this situation if you're dealing with a buggy local client.
> Hmm, I might give that a try.

I expect that to consolidate your errors to one place and your
application wont try to write errors.

But yeah, you're still opening up yourself to slow clients limiting
your concurrency without nginx.

> > IOError usually means an attempt to use the socket when it was already
> > closed (possibly after it hit ECONNRESET/EPIPE/ENOTCONN).
> >
> > The only place we close the client socket where it might be visible to a
> > Rack app is in the eof! method of StreamInput.  Based on what I'm
> > reading, this is what's happening.
> Our application does not use the socket directly. It is a relatively
> simple sinatra application that is accepting a file upload. As far as I
> can tell from putting in some debugging statements in our code, the
> error happens when we return a 400 error status when certain parameters
> are missing.

Right, however your upload processing will indirectly trigger socket
reads: env["rack.input"].read -> Unicorn::StreamInput#eof! ->

> I should have included this before, so here's an example stack trace
> (using a pre-release gem with the fixes from 
> 24b9f66dcdda44378b4053645333ce9ce336b413):
> ERROR -- : app error: closed stream (IOError)
> ERROR -- : gems/unicorn- 
> `write'
> ERROR -- : gems/unicorn- 
> `http_response_write'
> ERROR -- : gems/unicorn- 
> `process_client'
> ERROR -- : gems/unicorn- 
> `worker_loop'
> ERROR -- : gems/unicorn- 
> `spawn_missing_workers'
> ERROR -- : gems/unicorn- 
> `maintain_worker_count'
> ERROR -- : gems/unicorn- `join'
> ERROR -- : gems/unicorn- `<top (required)>'
> ERROR -- : bin/unicorn:21:in `load'
> ERROR -- : bin/unicorn:21:in `<main>'

Yep, I had your stack trace in my mind already :)

> So it looks to me like what happens is that unicorn tries to write to
> the socket to report the error and then it hits a generic IOError,
> possibly from kgio:
> http://bogomips.org/kgio.git/tree/ext/kgio/my_fileno.h#n34

Yes, but it would really happen from anything which attempted to
use the socket.

> > However, lately, I'm thinking merely calling .shutdown on the socket is
> > sufficient (patch below), and the close just confuses things.
> I tried it out on my test case below.
> > The Rack application should _always_ be trapping exceptions it
> > generates, including DB.  Where we log "app error" is only to tell the
> > app author to fix their code and prevent a buggy app from completely
> > breaking a worker.
> I agree that applications should be trapping exceptions. I speculated
> that the change is "incompatible" because now buggy applications that
> raise EOFError will not report a 500 error. In fact, they won't return
> anything at all. Maybe that's ok, but it seems like a pretty big change.
> Or maybe I am misunderstanding entirely.

Applications need to be aware of who raises EOFError.  It would handle
it differently if it's a backend connection it makes or if a client
triggered it (Unicorn::ClientShutdown).

Since Unicorn::ClientShutdown is a subclass of EOFError, that should
make things a little easier to distinguish (but unfortunately, forces
some client code to be Unicorn-specific).

> > Your patch is badly whitespace mangled so I can't apply it.
> Please accept my apologies for the sloppiness. I have included a non
> mangled version below.
> I think the test case I added called test_file_streamed_request_close
> accurately reproduces the situation we are encountering, even though it
> does so in a very heavy handed way.  The change to handle_error fixes
> the test case, but it does change the behavior of another test case.
> > Anyways, I think closing the socket while app dispatch is running
> > is sufficient to avoid IOError (you'll end up hitting ENOTCONN
> > instead, I think).
> I applied the patch, but it does not fix the
> test_file_streamed_request_close test case I have created.

Right.  The socket is no longer closed with my patch, so
your test case does not reproduce what unicorn might do internally.

> Thank you for your feedback,
> diff --git a/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb b/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb
> index 402f133..3620427 100644
> --- a/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb
> +++ b/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb
> @@ -547,8 +547,6 @@ class Unicorn::HttpServer
>    # the socket is closed at the end of this function
>    def handle_error(client, e)
>      code = case e
> -    when EOFError,Errno::ECONNRESET,Errno::EPIPE,Errno::ENOTCONN
> -      # client disconnected on us and there's nothing we can do

Removing this is bad, at least the Errno::* portions since
we might be outside of app dispatch and log_error would spew
a backtrace for every single dropped/incomplete connection
(this is still an issue on a LAN for me, but I use the worst LANs in
the world :x)

I'm trying to minimize the places we call IO#close on the socket,
since we'll trigger IOError in other places (as you've experienced).

>      when Unicorn::RequestURITooLongError
>        414
>      when Unicorn::RequestEntityTooLargeError
> @@ -556,8 +554,12 @@ class Unicorn::HttpServer
>      when Unicorn::HttpParserError # try to tell the client they're bad
>        400
>      else
> -      Unicorn.log_error(@logger, "app error", e)
> -      500
> +      if client.closed?
> +        # client disconnected on us and there's nothing we can do
> +      else
> +        Unicorn.log_error(@logger, "app error", e)
> +        500
> +      end
>      end
>      if code
>        client.kgio_trywrite(err_response(code, @request.response_start_sent))

In other words, your change to handle_error would fail the following case:

--- a/test/unit/test_server.rb
+++ b/test/unit/test_server.rb
@@ -265,4 +267,29 @@ class WebServerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
   def test_listener_names
     assert_equal [ "" ], Unicorn.listener_names
+  def test_eof_headers
+    teardown
+    app = lambda { |env| [200, {}, []] }
+    redirect_test_io do
+      @server = HttpServer.new(app, :listeners => [ ""] )
+      @server.start
+    end
+    sock = TCPSocket.new('', @port)
+    sock.syswrite("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n") # partial request
+    sock.shutdown
+    assert_raises(EOFError) { sock.readpartial(666) }
+    sock.close
+    # just send another complete request to ensure the log message from the
+    # first (failed) request is flushed out to FS
+    sock = TCPSocket.new('', @port)
+    sock.syswrite("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
+    assert_match %r{200 OK}, sock.read
+    sock.close
+    lines = File.readlines("test_stderr.#$$.log")
+    assert lines.grep(/app error:/).empty?
+  end

(I thought we already had a test for this, but apparently not..)

> diff --git a/test/unit/test_server.rb b/test/unit/test_server.rb
> index e5b335f..2fca1b4 100644
> --- a/test/unit/test_server.rb
> +++ b/test/unit/test_server.rb
> @@ -145,8 +145,7 @@ class WebServerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
>      # processing on us even during app dispatch
>      sock.shutdown(Socket::SHUT_WR)
>      IO.select([sock], nil, nil, 60) or raise "Timed out"
> -    buf = sock.read
> -    assert_equal "", buf
> +    assert_match %r{\AHTTP/1.[01] 500\b}, sock.sysread(4096)

I don't agree with this at all.  500 means something in the server
broke, but in this case the _client_ broke.

>      next_client = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("";))
>      assert_equal 'hello!\n', next_client
>      lines = File.readlines("test_stderr.#$$.log")
> @@ -265,4 +264,55 @@ class WebServerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
>    def test_listener_names
>      assert_equal [ "" ], Unicorn.listener_names
>    end
> +
> +  # ensure that EOFError from client code is not ignored
> +  def test_eof_app
> +    teardown
> +    app = lambda { |env| raise EOFError }
> +    # [200, {}, []] }
> +    redirect_test_io do
> +      @server = HttpServer.new(app, :listeners => [ ""] )
> +      @server.start
> +    end

I don't think defining behavior here is good (other than being able to
handle subsequent, unrelated requests with the process).  This is a
application bug if it can't handle the exceptions it raises.

> +    sock = TCPSocket.new('', @port)
> +    sock.syswrite("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
> +    assert_match %r{\AHTTP/1.[01] 500\b}, sock.sysread(4096)
> +    assert_nil sock.close
> +    lines = File.readlines("test_stderr.#$$.log")
> +    assert lines.grep(/app error:/)
> +  end
> +
> +  def test_file_streamed_request_close
> +    teardown
> +    # do a funky dance so that the socket is closed partway though the 
> request
> +    tmp = Tempfile.new('test_file_streamed_request_close')
> +    app = lambda { |env|
> +      while File.zero?(tmp.path)
> +        sleep(0.2)
> +      end
> +      tmp.unlink
> +      o = env['rack.input'].instance_variable_get(:@socket)
> +      o.close

With my proposed patch to eliminate IO#close from StreamInput,
this test is no longer an accurate representation of unicorn behavior.

> +      hdrs = { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' }
> +      [ 200, hdrs, [ "#$$\n" ] ]
> +    }
> +    # [200, {}, []] }
> +    redirect_test_io do
> +      @server = HttpServer.new(app, :listeners => [ ""] )
> +      @server.start
> +    end
> +    sock = TCPSocket.new('', @port)
> +    body = "a" * 10
> +    long = "PUT /test HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-length: #{body.length + 
> 10}\r\n\r\n" + body
> +    sock.syswrite(long)
> +    sock.close
> +    tmp.puts "ok"
> +    tmp.flush
> +    while File.exists?(tmp.path)
> +      sleep(0.2)
> +    end
> +    lines = File.readlines("test_stderr.#$$.log")
> +    assert lines.grep(/app error:/).empty?
> +  end
> +
>  end
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