On 11/26/06, Tom Bednarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Will,
> Thanks a lot for your feedback!
> >
> > Just out of curiosity, is your Java web app broken? The Rubyists might
> > string me up for this, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  Especially
> > if it is mission critical (i.e. the unavailability of your web app for
> > more than a minute or two will cost you pain, suffering, or your job).
> >
> > That said, at my former employer, I converted a (simple) Java web app
> > running on Windows to a Rails app on Linux, but I also had a week with
> > utterly nothing else to do, a clueless manager who didn't know a thing
> > about managing a programmer (much less managing a person), a supervisor
> > who encouraged me to learn new things, and no one screaming bloody
> > murder if the app was down for a while.
> >
> > ==
> > Will
> Regarding Java / Rails etc:
> It is a Web-Frontend for a self owned product. I like to extend the
> application and I have the impression, that development with ruby and
> the rails framework is a lot faster then with Java.
> Java is a good technology and it offers a lot of OpenSource support
> (Apache group) and it is bullet proof in production. Java has many
> different OpenSource MVC frameworks. Struts is  probably the most known
> because it was one of the first on the market. What I consider a problem
> is that every Java Web App ends up in writing endless XML configuration
> files that you cannot debug. Basically you can spend hours and days to
> find a bug in your application which finally turns out to be a
> misconfigured XML file! I really hate that meanwile!!!

Ohh, the magic of configuration files... that one of the reasons we
dropped Zope.

> So basically I am looking for an environment that speeds up development
> time and thats currently the only reason, why I am looking at Ruby on
> Rails. On the Java side there are also newer frameworks such as
> JavaServer Faces. Groovy is a scripting language that borrowed a lot
> from Ruby.

Borrow something to mimic other languages is bad: they try to do
something that originally aren't designed for, and sometimes they
implement these functionality badly (in a bad way?)

What more I could say? Welcome aboard! :-)

> Tom
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