On 12/26/06, Ezra Zygmuntowicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Heya Folks-
>         This is mainly for Zed and Mentalguy. I have been playing with the
> new release of rubygems and I have a major problem with the
> requirement that fastthread needs to be required before thread. Just
> requiring rubygems and then requiring fastthread right after that
> will throw the error:

Oh boy, I guess that deserve a post at rubygems mailing list

> ez _blog $ ruby
> require 'rubygems'
> require 'fastthread'
> __END__
> /usr//lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/fastthread-
> fastthread.bundle: fastthread must be required before thread
> (RuntimeError)
>          from /usr//lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:
> 32:in `require'
>          from -:2
> ez _blog $ ruby -v
> ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [i686-darwin8.7.1]
> ez _blog $ gem -v

FastThread "patches" thread library, its required that some things get
defined by fastthread prior thread do his thing... (that was mental
comment on this issue).

I guess rubygems folks added thread part of rubygems now... something
that isn't good at all (why I require thread if my application I don't
use it?, just to say something).

>         I have been requiring fastthread in Merb but now that mongrel uses
> it I want to remove my requires for it from merb. But right now with
> the new version of rubygems I can't use fastthread installed as a gem
> at all.

I've been using RUBYOPT=rubygems so guess will suffer from the same illness.

>         Is the solution to this just to install fastthread via setup.rb
> instead of gems so we can require it first? Does fastthread really
> have to be required first? Can this be changed?

The setup.rb way is one possibility, the other is ask the rubygems
teams to check their code.

>         Another area where I run into this issue is with rake. rake requires
> thread when you invoke it form the command line before you get a
> chance to require fastthread first. So you get the fastthread load
> error.

Er... you're using fastthread in rake? Could I ask what for? I suppose
rake isn't for long running tasks...

The other workaround will be hack lib/ruby/1.8/thread.rb and require
fastthread there.

>         Whats the best solution to this? Can fastthread be made to be ok if
> it loads after thread? Fastthread is great and has really improved
> the mem profile for me in a bunch of installs. But with this new
> version of rubygems there doesn't seem to be a way to use fastthread
> at all if it is installed as a gem.
>         Here is the same test run with the current 0.9 version of rubygems:
> ey00-s00089 ~ # ruby
> require 'rubygems'
> require 'fastthread'
> __END__
> ey00-s00089 ~ # ruby -v
> ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [x86_64-linux]
> ey00-s00089 ~ # gem -v
> 0.9.0
>         It works fine here. But I suspect this will start affecting more and
> more folks as they upgrade to rubygems latest.
> Thoughts?
> Cheer-s
> -- Ezra Zygmuntowicz
> -- Lead Rails Evangelist
> -- Engine Yard, Serious Rails Hosting
> -- (866) 518-YARD (9273)
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