Yo Zed and everyone else, I'm having a major problem I'm hoping someone can
help with.

I've been running mongrel clusters for a few months with no problems on a
couple of my boxes. They both run Debian...

I recently moved one of my older Rails apps on a FreeBSD 5.5 box to mongrel
as well. Everything runs quickly and wonderfully - when it's running! My
problem is that over time each one of my 5 mongrel processes die. There's
nothing in the mongrel.log telling me why they die. They just die.

My question then is two-fold

1: Why are my mongrel processes dying? Where's the log information?
2: Can these guys be automatically restarted somehow???

I'm on mongrel 1.0.1 and mongrel_cluster

HELP! My clients are going apeshit and want to cut my throat :p

seth at subimage interactive
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