On Jan 28, 2009, at 5:45 PM, David Vrensk wrote:

I don't think this is mongrel's fault, but it's interesting nonetheless.

Could you have apache log the incoming cookie value to shed some more light on what happens? I believe that the cookie you see is not the cookie that the client sends, but a new cookie that Rails generates when it cannot find the cookie from the request in its current db.

My theory (aka wild guess) is that Rails picks up the cookie before you change/set the database connection. Like this:

User1 requests the login page.
Rails connects to db1 and renders the page.
User1 logs in and is given a cookie, and session data is stored in db1.
User1 does something and all is good.
User2 requests the login page.
Rails connects to db2 and renders.
User1 requests a new page.
Rails is connected to db2 and fails to find the cookie.
Rails connects to db1 and redirects user.

Now, this isn't exactly what's happening in your logs, but add the fact that the different requests are being handled by different mongrels, each with their Rails stacks and db connections, and you have a fine mess.

H'mmm. This is an interesting idea. I will do some testing to see if this is the problem
Could you try running just one mongrel for a short while to minimise the number of moving parts?

Yes, I tried that and it made no difference. In fact, the log trace I sent was with one mongrel in the mongrel cluster.

I will get back with results of the db testing later today.

Thanks for the idea.

-- John

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