200-300MB is not unusual for a rails application.

Is it growing past that?

Maybe use 3 or 4 mongrels, rather than 8.

On 22 Jul 2009, at 09:18, Navneet Aron wrote:

Hi Folks,
I've a rails application in production environment.The rails app has both a website as well as REST apis that are called by mobile devices. It has a apache front end and 8 mongrel_rails running when I start the cluster. Each of them stabalize around 60 MB initially. After that pretty rapidly one or two of the mongrel_rails process's memory usage climbs upto 300 MB (within 30 min). If I leave the system for 2 hours, pretty much all the processes would have reached upwards of 300 MB . (Also there are times when I can leave the system running pretty much the whole day and memory usage will NOT go upto 300MB).

The entire site becomes really slow and I've to restart the server. We wanted to profile the app, but we couldn't find a good profiling tool for Ruby 1.8.7

Can someone please suggest how should we go about troubleshooting this?

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