I spent so much time on this pid sh.. googling for hours. Hope I can 
help others! Seems like running as a daemon solves the problem. just add 
-d at the end and it decides to create the pid file. I'm sorry if this 
isn't the problem/solution you guys are having.

mongrel_rails start -d

It really tricked me with its output on mongrel_rails.

** Starting Mongrel listening at
** Starting Rails with development environment...
** Rails loaded.
** Loading any Rails specific GemPlugins
** Signals ready.  TERM => stop.  USR2 => restart.  INT => stop (no 
** Rails signals registered.  HUP => reload (without restart).  It might 
not work well.
** Mongrel 1.1.5 available at

Of, course, neither restart nor stop worked, so I tried sending that 
USR2 signal manually, finding it's pid with ps, then

kill -USR2 20316

Back in the first term window I saw this:
* USR2 signal received.
** Restarting with arguments:  ruby 
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/mongrel_rails start
Can't restart unless in daemon mode.

OK, trying the obvious worked. You can see the pid file is there in the 
log directory. Or am I totally off here??
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