
First, thank you for creating monitorix. I've used to it monitor several CentOS servers I administered for a few years and it has proved to be very useful.

I have no idea if I this is the right way to report a bug so my apologies if this is the wrong way to go about doing it.

I also happen to administer some FreeBSD systems. I recently found what I think is a bug in the code for collecting network statistics under FreeBSD. I noticed that the main graph in the Network Traffic and Usage graph section is always blank. No traffic is ever logged. However, the traffic error section always logs data as if my network interface is continually generating packet errors.

I believe I have found the cause of the problem and enclose a patch for it.

I think some of the columns from netstat -nibd are being logged in the wrong order -

open(IN, "netstat -nibd |");

while(<IN>) {
        if(/Link/ && /$NET_LIST[$n]/) {
(undef, undef, undef, undef, $net_packs_in[$n], $net_error_in[$n], $net_bytes_in[$n], $net_packs_out[$n], $net_error_out[$n], $net_bytes_out[$n]) = split(' ', $_);

compare this with the actual output of a netstat -nibd command :

Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Idrop Ibytes Opkts Oerrs Obytes Coll Drop ipfw0 65536 <Link#1> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lo0 16384 <Link#2> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lo0 16384 fe80:2::1/64 fe80:2::1 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - lo0 16384 ::1/128 ::1 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - lo0 16384 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - em0 1500 <Link#3> 08:00:27:09:3e:7c 30976 0 0 43684172 21128 0 1183551 0 0 em0 1500 30970 - - 43248731 21126 - 887703 - -

$net_packs_in[$n] = Ipkts (correct)
$net_packs_error_in[$n] = Ierrs (correct)
$net_bytes_in[$n] = Idrop (should be Ibytes, next column)
$net_packs_out[$n] = Ibytes (should be Opkts, next column)

The solution is to add one more "undef" after $net_error_in[$n] thus :

        if(/Link/ && /$NET_LIST[$n]/) {
(undef, undef, undef, undef, $net_packs_in[$n], $net_error_in[$n], undef, $net_bytes_in[$n], $net_packs_out[$n], $net_error_out[$n], $net_bytes_out[$n]) = split(' ', $_);

I first noticed this on version 1.5.1 (FreeBSD ports) and it still appears to be there in v. 2.0.0 and 2.1.0 (source), which I am now running.

Best regards,
--- monitorix.org       2011-03-14 16:38:51.000000000 +0800
+++ monitorix   2011-03-14 16:38:22.000000000 +0800
@@ -1973,7 +1973,7 @@
                                open(IN, "netstat -nibd |");
                                while(<IN>) {
                                        if(/Link/ && /$NET_LIST[$n]/) {
-                                               (undef, undef, undef, undef, 
$net_packs_in[$n], $net_error_in[$n], $net_bytes_in[$n], $net_packs_out[$n], 
$net_error_out[$n], $net_bytes_out[$n]) = split(' ', $_);
+                                               (undef, undef, undef, undef, 
$net_packs_in[$n], $net_error_in[$n], undef, $net_bytes_in[$n], 
$net_packs_out[$n], $net_error_out[$n], $net_bytes_out[$n]) = split(' ', $_);
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