Hi,  for the moment I managed to install latest monitorix on openSUSE 42.1 
(x86_64).  This is very brief steps I have taken but maybe helpful for someone. 
  By zypper I installed/added following packages with its dependencies:   
perl-Config-General-2.58-3.2.x  perl-DBI-1.628-5.4.x86_64  
perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-0.51-1  perl-IO-Socket-SSL-1.962-4.1.n  
perl-MIME-Lite-3.030-3.1.noarc  perl-MailTools-2.14-2.6.noarch  
perl-XML-Simple-2.20-6.1.noarc  perl-libwww-perl-6.05-5.1.noar  
perl-rrdtool-1.5.5-69.1.x86_64  rrdtool-1.4.7-22.2.x86_64   Installed perl 
version:  # perl --version  This is perl 5, version 18, subversion 2 (v5.18.2) 
built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi   Install gcc and make:  # zypper install 
gcc make  # tar -zxvf monitorix-3.10.0.tar.gz  # make install-systemd-all  
/usr/bin/monitorix -c /etc/monitorix/monitorix.conf   Issues:  I am missing 
package: librrds-perl but it seems not to be required (at least for Monitorix 
basic configuration)   BR,  czezz 

                  Dnia 9 grudnia 2017 12:11 Jordi Sanfeliu 
<jo...@fibranet.cat> napisaƂ(a):


 Well, so far and AFAIK, no one has built a Monitorix package for SLES.
 At least, I've not received any one to put it in the downloads page.

 So, you might one to try downloading the tar.gz and install it manually
 or use the 'Makefile' that comes with the archive.

 You don't need to compile Monitorix since it's written in Perl 
 although you probably will have to satisfy some dependencies in your
 system during the installation.


 On 08-12-2017 23:22, czezz wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 Im looking for Monitorix packages to install it on SLES 12 SP1.

 I dont see any procedure or even binaries for SuSE/SLES.

 I would prefer to avoid compiling it from source.



 Jordi Sanfeliu
 FIBRANET Network Services Provider
 www.fibranet.cat www.fibranet.cat

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