Hello All,

I think I got some points after googling for doc ....

1. I think I can probably create MainModule.Import for importing dynamic
method that is create at runtime. Or, Create a hidden assembly and inject
those methods to that assembly..

2. EmitCall == callWriteLine = worker.Create(OpCodes.Call, writeLine);

3. (not sure)

4. I think I need to create an instruction and insert or append it to method

:) It's a bit hard to find the doc even there are a lot of projects that is
using Cecil..

Thanks and Best Regards,
Michael Sync

Don't go the way life takes you.
Take life the way you go


On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Michael Sync <mchls...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm very new to Cecil and I'm having problems in finding the equivalents of
> the followings in Cecil. Could anyone help me to give the equivalent
> usages? Thanks in advance.
> 1. DynamicMethod
> 2. EmitCall  (e.g.
>    IL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, GetBuildKey, null);
>    IL.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, dependencyType);
> )
> 3. LocalBuilder   (e.g. LocalBuilder resolving =
> ilContext.IL.DeclareLocal(typeof(bool));)
> 4. System.Reflection.Emit.Label   (e.g. Label existingObjectNotNull =
> buildContext.IL.DefineLabel();)    //Do I have to use TextMap?
> 5. ILGenerator.BeginCatchBlock (e.g.
>  ilContext.IL.BeginCatchBlock(typeof(Exception)); )
> 6. ILGenerator.MarkLabel  (e.g.
> ilContext.IL.MarkLabel(parameterResolveFailed); )
> 7. ILGenerator.EndExceptionBlock()  (e.g. ilContext.IL.EndExceptionBlock();
> )
> Thanks and Best Regards,
> Michael Sync
> Don't go the way life takes you.
> Take life the way you go
> http://michaelsync.net


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