
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Jan <jan.blessen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I only have a TypeReference, not the System.Type.

Ah ok, I thought you had as you used typeof. Nevermind then, we can
make it work too. What you have to emit in the end is this:

callvirt   instance !0 class BaseClass`1<int32>::GetKey()

But that's not hard. All you have to do is to get a MethodReference or
a MethodDefinition to the open GetKey method, and do something like:

TypeReference int32_ref = ...;
TypeReference open_base_class = ...;
MethodReference open_get_key = ...;

TypeReference base_class_of_int = open_base_class.MakeGenericType (int32_ref);

MethodReference get_key_on_base_class_of_int =
open_get_key.MakeGeneric (base_class_of_int);

And callvirt get_key_ob_base_class_of_int.

MakeGenericType would be defined as:

                public static TypeReference MakeGenericType (this TypeReference
self, params TypeReference [] arguments)
                        if (self.GenericParameters.Count != arguments.Length)
                                throw new ArgumentException ();

                        var instance = new GenericInstanceType (self);
                        foreach (var argument in arguments)
                                instance.GenericArguments.Add (argument);

                        return instance;

and MakeGeneric would be defined as:

                public static MethodReference MakeGeneric (this MethodReference
self, TypeReference declaringType)
                        var reference = new MethodReference {
                                Name = self.Name,
                                DeclaringType = declaringType,
                                HasThis = self.HasThis,
                                ExplicitThis = self.ExplicitThis,
                                ReturnType = self.ReturnType,
                                CallingConvention = 

                        foreach (var parameter in self.Parameters)
                                reference.Parameters.Add (new 

                        foreach (var generic_parameter in 
                                reference.GenericParameters.Add (new 
GenericParameter (reference));

                        return reference;

Jb Evain  <j...@nurv.fr>


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