
On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Jan <jan.blessen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I habe a MethodReference to DateTime?.get_Value() and I need the
> return type of this method. With Cecil 0.9 the return type is 'T' and
> not 'DateTime'
> method.Fullname returns '!0
> System.Nullable`1<System.DateTime>::get_Value()'
> Is there a way to get the real return type? Do I have to replace the
> generic parameter by myself?

Yep. Cecil, in that case, unless reflection, won't resolve them for
you. You have to resolve the parameters to arguments from the
declaring type and the declaring method.

Jb Evain  <j...@nurv.fr>


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