More importantly, these divergences are documented (in msdn, etc.)?
Because they may not hold true for ASP.NET 2.0, for instance, if they
are just  some undocumented implementation detail.

I would not build anything upon such a shaky base...


On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 09:45:42 +0100 (CET), charlie
> Hi,
> the html files are only snippets. On the 'static' side of my page I use
> apache severside includes to pull in standard meta tags, menu and
> footer(all pages thus have the same look), and wanted to do the same
> with the mono pages.
> I stumbled over the WriteFile and in it opened the file relative
> to the application directory. One override of the Render method and the
> job was done. (No finding out what the application directory is,
> changing directories, openeing and reading in the file, ...)
> Unfortunatey mono diverges from the ms implementation here, both in the
> assumed path and the excution time of the render method, which means the
> I will most likely have to go the way of the literal control to be able
> to reuse my html snippets.
> Are these divergences to be considered bugs. should I file reports for
> them?
> regards
>   charlie
> On Sun, 20 Mar 2005, Joe Audette wrote:
> > Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 13:21:53 -0800 (PST)
> > From: Joe Audette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [Mono-devel-list] usercontrols and WriteFile features
> >
> > I could be wrong on this but I have always thought
> > that Response.WriteFile is for writing binary streams
> > to the response like to support file downloads and
> > such. I would not have thought it would be used in the
> > Render method of a user control.
> >
> > If I was retrieving content from a text file to write
> > to the response my first inclination would be to open
> > the file server side and then write the contents using
> > Response.Write or to load the content into a Literal
> > then load that into the user control or some container
> > control using this.Controls.Add instead of overriding
> > the render method.
> >
> > The file you are loading is labelled .html, if you
> > have  the full set of html tags, head, body etc in
> > that file you're likely to have problems putting that
> > in a user control because those tags would already be
> > part of the containing page.
> >
> > Hope any of that helps,
> >
> > Joe
> >
> >
> > --- charlie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi Guys,
> > >
> > > i have been doing a bit of programming and
> > > have run into a few
> > > features :-). here a code snippet of what I am
> > > doing:
> > >
> > > Menu.ascx
> > >   public class Menu : System.Web.UI.UserControl
> > >   {
> > >
> > >     private void Page_Load(object sender,
> > > System.EventArgs e)
> > >     {
> > >     }
> > >     protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter
> > > output)
> > >     {
> > > #if __MonoCS__
> > >
> > >
> > Response.WriteFile("/home/[absolutepath]/html/Menu.html");
> > > #else
> > >       Response.WriteFile("../html/Menu.html");
> > > #endif
> > >     }
> > >
> > > Prod.aspx
> > >   <body>
> > >     <gutschn:Menu id="Menu1"
> > > runat="server"></gutschn:Menu>
> > >
> > >
> > > - Response.WriteFile under MS works relative to the
> > > as?x file that
> > > contains it, but apparently not so in mono. Thus
> > > under IIS including
> > > this webcontrol where both aspx and ascx file are in
> > > cgi-bin, pulls in
> > > the the afore mentioned html file from the parallel
> > > html directory. I
> > > was able to counter with with #if, not nice, but it
> > > works
> > >
> > > - UserControl.Render under mono executes to a
> > > different time than under
> > > IIS. In IIS the 'included' html gets written where
> > > the control is,
> > > whereas under mono the html gets written before the
> > > output of the aspx
> > > file. Thus I have my meta-tags, menu and footer and
> > > then comes the
> > > <!DOCTYPE and the rest of the page :-(
> > >
> > >
> > > Has anyone had similar experiences ??
> > >
> > > current system is suse 9.2, apache2 and the 1.1.4 /
> > > 1.0.6 mix that one
> > > gets off the mono-project homepage
> > > rpm -qa | grep mono
> > > mono-data-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mono-winforms-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mono-basic-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mono-data-oracle-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mono-data-sqlite-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mono-ikvm-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mod_mono-1.0.6-1.ximian.9.1    (now 1.0.7)
> > > mono-devel-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mono-core-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mono-web-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mono-extras-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mono-data-postgresql-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mono-data-sybase-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mono-locale-extras-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mono-complete-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > > mono-jscript-1.1.4-1.ximian.10.1
> > >
> > > has since been replaced with a svn 1.0.7
> > > compile from source
> > > to take advantage of multiple named applications
> > > (works like a charm
> > > *g*, multiple virtual servers with their own
> > > applications)
> > >
> > > regards
> > >   charlie
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> > >
> > >
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
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Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira
I'm trying to become a "Rosh Gadol" before my own eyes. 
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