
> Does anyone knows how can I activate/deactivate the profiler for
> certain areas in program execution (like full Classes)? Or for a
> certain timespan? The problem is that I've got an application that
> loads a lot of data to memory (400Mb) and parses it at boostrap (about
> 30s of initialization time). Profiling this section takes literally
> *hours*, and I'm really not interested in it now, so I want to
> activate the profiler ONLY after this bootstrap. Another way of seeing
> things is that I want to start profiling ONLY when the application
> enters a certain method.

Mono allows third-party profilers to be hooked up.  You could modify the
default profiler to do exactly what you described (copy the code, make
the changes, invoke the new profiler code).

There is some information on the SVN man page for Mono, but we could
certainly use a tutorial on the Wiki with more details.

> Other thing: does anyone find the System.Drawing as much as 6x slower
> when running in Linux or is it just me? Would directly using Cairo
> improve this performance? My application, now running under Mono and
> Linux, is performing as much as 6x slower than the native
> Microsoft.Net version.
> Thanks in advance,
> Hugo Jose Ferreira
Miguel de Icaza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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