
In MS.NET 2.0 July CTP they have changed the
System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair structure, so now it does not
contain the fields Key and Value, but properties.

I attach the patch, which fixes it, but there are two questions /
issues about it.

1) Do we want the CTP API in mono now, or should I keep the patch
locally and commit it after the next public release of runtime? (I
don't have Beta2 at hand, but it seems that there were only Key and
Value fields there - could someone check this?)

2) Key and Value are used for writing in Dictionary. I workarounded it
by making the storage fields in KeyValuePair internal, and assign
directly to them. Is it better to just create new instances of
KeyValuePair in Dictionary (the perf. impact should not be great,
since it is a structure)

Kamil Skalski

Attachment: keyval.diff
Description: Binary data

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