Slight correction. The deserialization error I get isn't coming from DateTime, but directly from the class with a member of type TimeZone.

An example:

On Mono:
class MyClass {
        System.TimeZone  _TimeZone = System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;
                // Constructor

Attempting to serialize that will fail with the first exception ("Type System.CurrentTimeZone is not marked as Serializable."), even though System.TimeZone is Serializable.

If you change the class so that CurrentTimeZone is serializable and rebuild mono, then the class above serializes just fine, but if the deserializing end is .Net, it will get an exception since (apparently) .Net doesn't have any such internal class as CurrentTimeZone.


Chris Micacchi wrote:
Hello everyone,

I'm getting an exception trying to send an object of type DateTime from
a Linux machine running Mono to a Windows one running .Net. The exception is "Type System.CurrentTimeZone is not marked as Serializable." System.TimeZone is supposedly serializable, but called System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone returns something that isn't serializable.

Interestingly enough, when I went in and marked the type as [Serializable] and rebuild mono, I get an error deserializing the DateTime object on Windows (it doesn't recognize the type of the CurrentTimeZone object).

What's the status of this class?  Is this currently an expected issue?

Thanks for any info,

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