

I would like to ask whether calling Oracle package with output ref cursor parameter is supported.


I am using Debian and the Oracle Client (despite it’s not supported...) and trying to get the output of a package as an OracleDataReader. AFAIK, this can be achieved by declaring an output ref cursor parameter in the package and then calling the ExecuteReader() method. It really works with .NET FW 1.1 but not under Mono.


I have downloaded the new 1.1.9 version of Mono and checked its IL code and noticed that OracleType.Cursor parameters are treated as characters (DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength, OciDataType.Char). I suppose this is not correct (especially because I get an exception with the message "ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'GETDATA'").


So my question is, whether there's any way to retrieve rows by calling an Oracle package and if not then when can we/I expect this to be implemented?



  Zsolt Petreny


P.S.: I know, according to the http://www.mono-project.com/Oracle page Cursors are not supported yet, but it’s confusing to see it in the IL code...

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