Harry a écrit :

Hi All,

I have a questions regarding Mono structure
development. I have tried all the link at Mono
website, but I couldn't find it. here is my questions.

1. Is Mono only supporting runtime not the library for
all other programming languages?
All libraries are accessible for every languages that are targeting .NET/Mono runtime. Mono si language independant, it execute a low level code (IL for Intermediate Language).
Each compiler (C#, VB.NET, etc.) generate IL code.

2. Why all the library such as System, System.Drawing,
etc... class is in the mcs library not in Mono library
i.g Mono[verions]/Class/System.Windows.Forms ?
System & co are base libraries defined by ECMA standards and/or compatible with Microsoft .NET. Others libs may be in different places, some are Mono specific, other GTK specific, etc.

3. Are you guys have different compiler for every
languages and always includes the library such as
System, System.Drawing, etc... i.g [../class/System] ?
4. Is Mono only support runtime for C# programming
No, Mono runtime is language independant.
Mono project (not only runtime) also provide a C# compiler (mcs), a VB.NET compiler, a Java compiler (ikvm) and a JScript compiler. Some others compiler for Boo or Nemerle are also provided but not supported (I think)

Thank you in advance for your answers


Harry Tanama
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