Zoltan Varga wrote:


preferred method.

How I have something that produces some code, which of cause doesn't work. :) But I got an idea.
I have some problems that someone could help me with.
I could not understand what the "mono_arch_allocate_vars" is supposed to do. I copied it from another arch and it seems to work, but I don't understand it. At what point and for what reason the JIT calls it? Based on the trace
the "mono_arch_allocate_vars" is called when JIT finds "calli" IL opcode.
Another problem is implementing "iconst/i8const" opcode (it is a simple one but it would help to understand the internals). Alpha doesn't have instructions to load 64bits contstant to a register, but there are other instructions that I could use to emulate this. I need one temporary register, but I could not understand how to reserve it (at what point). Let say I don't want to add new opcode.
The definition is "iconst" opcode in md file uses only one "dest" register.

Thank you,

Sergey Tikhonov
Solvo Ltd.

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