I forgot to mention that anyone who wants to play with mojoPortal in MonoDevelop can get the 1.1 framework version from svn anonymous checkout at:
it works fine

or if you want to help with  the 2.1.1 version working on mono you can get it here:

most of the projects in the 2.1.1 solution compile (in MonoDevelop 0.11) and I have backed out everything I can like WebParts but can't build the web project because of this one:
GetGlobalResourceObject("Resource", "MyResourceKey").ToString()
so its probably the highest priority

Again many thanks to anyone who may be willing to help!



----- Original Message ----
From: Joe Audette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mono-devel-list@lists.ximian.com
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 8:11:30 PM
Subject: [Mono-dev] mojoPortal 2.0 mono wish list

Hi All,

I've been trying to get mojoPortal 2.0 .NET version to compile and run under mono.
The 1.1 framework version has worked for a long time and can be compiled in MonoDevelop or with an included make file so we are one of probably few projects doing cross platform development with some developers working in Visual Studio and some working on linux with MonoDevelop. The web project is implemented as a class library.

In the 2.0 framework version we have implemented pretty much all the features that we forsee using which involve new .NET features so now I am trying to get it working on mono or at least identify the parts that dont work in hopes that others may help get them working. It is very good timing that the new version of MonoDevelop can compile against the 2.0 mono runtime so I've been working with it to try and compile mojoPortal 2.x and of course we're not there yet so I thought I would present my wish list of things that are missing in hopes that some may  help us along. I may even try and implement some of it myself if I can figure it out.

mojoPortal 2.0 Mono Wishlist


for localization in 2.0 .NET WebControls we can call
GetGlobalResourceObject("Resource", "MyResourceKey").ToString() to populate localized strings
in Mono it doesn't exist
Resource file are stored under App_GlobalResources so in the above example "Resource" is the class name corresponding to App_GlobalResources/Resource.resx and localized version can be like Resource-es.resx or Resource-pt-BR.resx

Thanks for any help!


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