On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 6:57 PM, Rodrigo Kumpera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How about disabling generic sharing for the 2.0 release and have a better
> debugger experience for our users?
> For me if gsharing breaks the debugger we can't say it's done. Enabling by
> default something that breaks a
> very important piece of our stack is not the way to go.

I'm not sure I/we communicated this clearly: If we disable generic
sharing when --debug is used, which is what we propose, then the only
scenario that doesn't work is attaching to a Mono process that wasn't
started with --debug, and the user will get a message saying that to
attach to such a process it's necessary to start it with -O=-gshared.
"Normal" debugging (i.e. starting Mono from within the debugger) and
attaching to a process that was started with --debug will work fine.

Is attaching to a non --debug Mono process a widely used feature?

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