
You probably still need the null check and you definitely still need the
array bounds checking. Both of these will slow things down a bit. Other
than that there's no reason not to do things as you describe, i'm surprised
it's not done already. If you want to create a patch on github which passes
the regression tests (and any new ones which may be required), I'd be happy
to merge it.


On 17 November 2011 23:44, Jonathan Shore <jonathan.sh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was looking at the code for the mono implementation of BitConverter and
> was surprised to see that common types (such as long) are converted by
> writing to a byte* a byte at a time.   I don't  know why it was done this
> way unless this was done to avoid a temporary pin of the byte[].
> The current code is:
>               unsafe static void PutBytes (byte *dst, byte[] src, int 
> start_index, int count)
>               {
>                       if (src == null)
>                               throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
>                       if (start_index < 0 || (start_index > src.Length - 1))
>                               throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException 
> ("startIndex", "Index was"
>                                       + " out of range. Must be non-negative 
> and less than the"
>                                       + " size of the collection.");
>                       // avoid integer overflow (with large pos/neg 
> start_index values)
>                       if (src.Length - count < start_index)
>                               throw new ArgumentException ("Destination array 
> is not long"
>                                       + " enough to copy all the items in the 
> collection."
>                                       + " Check array index and length.");
>                       for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
>                               dst[i] = src[i + start_index];
>               }
>               unsafe public static long ToInt64 (byte[] value, int startIndex)
>               {
>                       long ret;
>                       PutBytes ((byte *) &ret, value, startIndex, 8);
>                       return ret;
>               }
> The above code does avoid pinning the byte[] buffer, however is 3-4x
> slower than, say doing this:
> unsafe public static long ToLong (byte[] buffer, int offset)
> {
> fixed (byte* pbuf = buffer)
> {
> long* vlong = (long*)(pbuf + offset);
> return *vlong;
> }
> }
> Any reason why we would not want to do the above?
> Jonathan
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