
Try to look at NRefactory git://github.com/icsharpcode/NRefactory.git
The structural visitor was built for that. NRefactory does:
Text -> Mcs AST -> NRefactory AST
That AST can generate C# code as text - using the output visitor, or just node.GetText(). Therefore it's half way done, however I'm sure that there are still things not fully correct, any help improving that would be appreciated.

The NRefactory AST holds lexical informations about the tokens as well, they could be checked against the input text. There are 2 projects inside the NRefactory solution that may be helful: ConsistencyCheck and AstVerifier (it's very, very basic).


as a backup if my first proposed project doesn't get selected,
I'm looking into implementing the project “AST Verifier for C# compiler”.

The project statement says to implement an AST visitor and I have
looked around and found the class StructuralVisitor.
It seems to be exactly what I need, except it doesn't do anything by itself.
I would expect it to visit the whole tree (just like ExpressionVisitor
does for Expressions),
so that I can implement only the parts that are relevant to me (in
this case, generating the C# code).

Is there some code that already does that?
Or at least some code that implements StructuralVisitor that I could look at?

If not, that's fine, and I can do it myself. I just don't want to
duplicate work already done by others.

Petr Onderka
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