A pull request on github would probably be simplest. We can review,
comment and merge from the web interface which simplifies the workflow
and ensures the commit doesn't get lost. I assume you're familiar with
how to do pull requests, but in case you aren't you just have to:

1) Fork mono on github
2) Create a new branch in your fork with all the change you want in
your pull request
3) Submit a pull request for that branch


On 20 June 2012 14:06, Rob Wilkens <robwilk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now that I have all of the Winforms patches (for Datagrid and Idle)
> extracted into individual patches -- which i did for the earlier e-mail,
> I can clean them up and submit them one at a time, to github, if that
> would be preferred?  OR I could submit them, one at a time (i.e. as we
> get to them), to this mailing list, if that would be preferred?  I
> suggest one at a time, because i noticed earlier that a change in one
> commit will break the application of the other patches to the same
> file(s).  When i say one at a time, i mean one datagrid patch at a time,
> and one idle patch at a time (if not just one idle patch altogether,
> since they are essentially one patch).
> There is absolutely no rush either way, these patches in most cases have
> been in the problem report database for years.  I just want to make the
> job as easy as possible for whomever winds up reviewing them, whenever
> they get to them, whether it's stifu or someone else if he genuinely
> does decide to quit because of me :-( .
> -Rob
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