
The icall's declaration:

mono/metadata/icall-def.h:ICALL(ASSEM_23, "get_fullname", ves_icall_System_Reflection_Assembly_get_fullName)

The function:

mono/metadata/icall.c:ves_icall_System_Reflection_Assembly_get_fullName (MonoReflectionAssembly *assembly)

I won't add this overhead to the Assembly class because it's a Type
feature after all. You can handle this locally in ObjectWriter,
as this is the only place where TypeForwardedFrom is used at all.


On 11.04.2013 15:48, Neale Ferguson wrote:
So would my best approach be a case of saving the type information at the
same time the fullname information is saved in Assembly and then retrieving
it before the WriteAssemblyName() to get the forwarded name?

Out of curiosity shouldn't I find get_fullname() defined somewhere in the
source tree?


On 4/11/13 6:47 AM, "Robert Jordan" <> wrote:

Hi Neale,

On 11.04.2013 01:45, Neale Ferguson wrote:
[MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
private extern string get_fullname ();

Where is get_fullname? I can't find it anywhere. In any event just
manipulating the strings isn't good enough, I need the type information to
do the TypeForwardedLookup don't I?

It's an internal call implemented in the runtime.

Anyway, you can't change this property. Assembly.FullName must
always reflect the real assembly name, regardless of whether
TypeForwardedFrom is in effect or not.

Bad Things(TM) would happen if you'd change it.


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