
You don't need to get familiar with monodevelop that much - you only need to know how the color shemes work. The Unity3D version is not helpful & outdated. Grab a new monodevelop from github.

The current color sheme editor is in the source editor view and the color shemes are defined in Mono.TextEditor.

Hi all,

My name is Steffan and I'm a student at Ball State University in Indiana. I'm really excited to work on MonoDevelop's color scheme editor over the summer as part of GSoC. I've been using the Mono bundled with Unity3D for the last two semesters and I've always wished there was a nicer way to make a new color scheme. I've looked through the source code some and have to say I've never worked on a project this large before, but I can't wait to contribute to software that so many people use. I'd appreciate any advice for quickly getting familiar with the code and environment.

Steffan Byrne

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