On 2013-07-19 11:12, Robert Jordan <robe...@gmx.net> wrote:


On 18.07.2013 19:16, rf...@tbrf.net wrote:
I've been working on a little wrapper library for working with
System.Collections.Generic.List<T> instances from native code. The
motivation is to provide a way for Mono embedders to easily design APIs that use List<T> instances as output buffers, whilst running as quickly as possible and with minimal allocations. Presently I'm getting around a 30x speedup for bulk loading a chunk of data, compared to allocating a new array to return that data in. Particular users I envision for this
are game engines like Unity3D.

Any chance I could get a review of what I've done so far? It's just a
couple of files, plus a short readme:


I'm interested in any "there's a better way to do this" observations,
suggestions for things I should add, ways to speed up the new-array
cases, bugs you can spot, or any generally "un-Mono" things about it.

Although I understand your motivation, I find that you're
exposing/using too much internals to make this wrapper
ready for public consumption with an unchanged Mono runtime.

You seem to have exposed mono/class-internals.h, which is
a no-go.

Mmm, I figured this is a downside of it. On the one hand I want to use official APIs as much as possible; on the other hand I want to cache things to get the best performance possible, which I think sometimes may require bypassing the APIs. But let's see... my use of mono/class-internals.h comes down to:

1) Using MonoClassField::offset to construct direct pointers to the values of fields in the object:

I missed that mono_field_get_offset() exists. Fixed.

2) Using mono_class_get_generic_class(), mono_generic_class_get_context(), and the MonoGenericContext structure to retrieve the List<T> generic type argument:

I can't find any public API for retrieving info about a generic instantiation. There's a couple of methods for checking whether something *is* inflated, but nothing for retrieving or working with the MonoGenericContext that it was inflated *with*. So I'm not sure what to change this to. Any suggestions?

Also, poking into List<T> internals isn't quite
safe, as there is no "written" contract between runtime and BCL
regarding List<T>.

True enough - the perils of reflection-on-private-members-based approaches. I don't think the implementation of List<T> is likely to change - at least not the few members in it that I'm using - but it would be nice not to rely on that.

FWIW, there's actually nothing in the present implementation that requires List<T> *specifically* - any generic class with int Capacity { set; }, int _size, int _version and int _items will work.

It would be safer if you'd copy and rename List<T> and provide
it together with your MonoListWrapper implementation.

Sure, can do. WrappableList<T> or something.

Also, there are public mono_array_* macros that
you can use for accessing MonoArray* elements. You can still
use them unsafely (like taking the address of the first element
and access elements using pointer arithmetic) but at least
it won't poke into too much internals.

Ah, yes, thank you. Fixed to use mono_array_length() and mono_array_addr_with_size().

- Richard
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