Hi guys

Not being able to work with sources (debug) as greatest rejection point for users around me and those are ergular .net - c# developers used to work with .net and Visual Studio.

Though just testing and proper bug reporting is great help for Xamarin team. You'll have to understand that increasing number of community pull requests will have impact on Xamarin team - testing and approval.

So we can not expect miracles to happen in next few months and we have to understand that

 * there is not enough manpower / resources in Xamarin alone
 * documentation is outdated and missing
 * volume is increasing and small team like Xamarin + community
   almost every aspect
     o communication - see forums and mailing lists
     o number of users
     o platforms
 * Xamarin focus currently
   (and we must understand why is this so and accept this as the fact)
     o mobile platforms
     o Xamarin Studio

So let's organize.

1. for starter maybe changing the subject. line so we could track this
2. define/decide where we could put notes (latest findings, ideas,
   today google docs or github it is up to us - just do not get dragged
   in into endless discussions

There is so much to say/do, but have to go.



On 2014.03.19 09:49, Bryan Crotaz wrote:
Well said. Every time I ask I get a response along the lines of "oh
you just run make" along with an anecdote about a script error or
required package which gives about 20% of the required info.

A script which is guaranteed to build on Linux, Windows VS2010 and
VS2012 (lots of devs haven't upgraded) and possibly on Mac too would
enable all the little guys to quickly fix trivial bugs.

When I spent a week trying to get it to compile, to fix my one line
bug, I gave up. I want to contribute but I only have time to do that
and not to mend a build system I don't understand.

Bryan Crotaz
Silver Curve

On 19 Mar 2014, at 08:45, David Schmitt <da...@dasz.at> wrote:

On 2014-03-19 01:55, Greg Young wrote:
Just off the top of my head... maybe a summer of code would be better
spent on these kinds of issues and improving the throughput of
donations as opposed to the next interesting technical topic.

The complexities (no obvious build files, no csproj, no visible documentation 
(e.g. pointed to via README), numerous warnings on default compiles) in 
building mcs and running tests has also kept me from contributing except in the 
most trivial ways.

Regards, David
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