I wanted to understand where mono RNGCryptoServiceProvider gets random data.  
So I read its source, I see it uses "extern RngInitialize," so when I search 
for "RngInitialize," it leads me to 
in rand.c

When I read rand.c, I see that it uses CryptAcquireContext.  (First tries to 
use Intel PIII RNG, and falls back to RSA CSP).  But I can't seem to find the 
definition for CryptAcquireContext.  Anybody help?

I search the entire source tree for CryptAcquireContext:
        $ grep -lr CryptAcquireContext .

I suppose CapiContext.cs and CryptoAPI.cs get built to make 
Mono.Security.Win32.dll.  So that explains having the phrase 
"CryptAcquireContext" in all 5 of those files ...  But none of them, as far as 
I can tell, supply the definition for the function called in rand.c.  Looking 
in CapiContext.cs and CryptoAPI.cs, I see they both contain the phrase 
"CryptAcquireContextA" which does not appear to be the same thing as 
"CryptAcquireContext" which is called by rand.c
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