hi, all,i am trying to move my code <mainly vb.net> from .net to mono, there 
are ~300 test cases, which can help to find out the difference between .Net and 
Mono implementation.if you are interesting, you can enlist the code from 
codeplex, https://geminibranch.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#osi/there are 
several tests folders under root and service, which contains test cases.1. run 
build.cmd in windows visual studio 2010 higher developer command prompt from 
osi folder will build and place all the binary and test cases to 
osi/root/utt/bin/Debug or Release2. run mono-sgen osi.root.utt.exe for all the 
cases, or mono-sgen osi.root.utt.exe \* -osi.tests.service.storage.* 
-finalizer_test or mono-sgen osi.root.utt.exe delegate_pinning_test to select 
some cases to run.
i tried it myself, and find out several issues, which are mainly against Mono 
3.10 from development tree.1. GCthought GC.Collect() does not guarantee all the 
inaccessible objects are finalized and reclaimed, .Net implementation usually 
be able to delete all the inaccessible objects.impacts, delegate_pinning_test, 
it make sure the delegate / event in .net will release the object after itself 
has been released.weak_pointer_test, weak_pointer is a simple wrapper of 
WeakReference, which is strong-typed.event_disposer_test, event_disposer is a 
strong-typed pointer, which provide disposing event when 
disposing.lifetime_binder_test, lifetime_binder is a collection to avoid the 
object to be finalized.2. char.GetHashCode()the implementation of simhash / 
himming_distance uses char.GetHashCode(), according to Mono implementation, 
this function returns char as int, and cause the similarity of two adjusted 
characters to be small. while .Net implementation seems having some magic. the 
impact is hamming_distance of "ABC" and "DEF" is 1, instead of a number in 
range [0, 1).impacts, simhash_test3. System.Threading.Thread.Priority is not 
implementedimpacts thread_timing_test, thread_timing is an IDisposable to 
temporarily adjust thread priority.4. Environment.TickCount() is not consistent 
with DateTime.Nowi.e. DateTime.Now increased 1000 milliseconds, 
Environment.TickCount() increased only 950 milliseconds. though the definition 
of Environment.TickCount() and DateTime.Now do not guarantee they are the same, 
.Net implementation does not have such large difference.impacts, 
event_comb_waitfor_test, the difference itself is not consistent, so the 
failures may not happen always.5. Encoding.GetEncoding(string) may not be able 
to return correct Encoding instance, even the EncodingInfo is from 
Encoding.GetEncodings()impacts, web_extension_test, according to msdn, the 
Encoding.GetEncoding(EncodingInfo.WebName) should always return a valid 
Encoding instance.6. Process.Start does not be able to execute the binary if it 
does not have execute permissionin Windows platform, the file by default has 
execute permission, while in Linux, it's not. i do not think this is a Mono 
issue, but will it be better to help set the execute permission if 
Process.Start calls a non-executable file? or at least provide a more friendly 
exception, current the error message is 'Cannot find the specified file', which 
is confusing.
there are several other issues related to the Thread.ManagedThreadId(), or 
thread scheduling, <which may more depend on OS>, and cause the cases not be 
able to run. i am continually working on them. hope i can find out more 
differences later.
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